How is Technology Reshaping the Accounting Industry?

How is Technology Reshaping the Accounting Industry?

An intricate part of the working of any business entity is the accounting process. All corporations and commercial entities need to keep a proper record and analysis of its commercial operations. Thus, the role of accounting is crucial.

In simple words, the accounting process can be understood as a procedure that encompasses the measurement of a firm’s financial and non-financial data as well as its processing and dispersion to help enhance the activity of the business undertaking.

Popularly known as the “language of business activity”, accounting is all about measuring the outcome of economic undertakings. The result, in turn, is communicated to many stakeholders like investors, managements, creditors, and regulators.

The specialized person that carries out the tedious task is called an accountant. Functions like management accounting, financial accounting, cost accounting, and tax accounting are undertaken by various accounting firms. External auditing also forms an inseparable part of work of the accounting firms. 

In the present era, the role of technology in influencing lives and livelihood is unparallel. The involvement of the latest technology in any sort of work can escalate the productivity of the activity multiple times. The influence of the involvement of technology in the accounting industry may be studied under the following heads. 

  • The Role and Impact of Technology on the Accounting Process:

    • Advanced accounting software is employed by numerous accounting firms to carry out the enormous task of compiling and analyzing a company’s financial outcomes.
    • Various accounting package software is available in the market specially targeting the unified accounting system. In the present era of computerization, numerous computerized accounting applications have successfully captured the market.
    • The role of the involvement of the technological companion can be understood by the lucidity it brought to the process of recording and supervising transactions.
    • Computers have made the tedious task of compiling data in a systematic way a lot easier. Maintaining a neat and systematic file of all the credits and debits is now an undemanding task. Moreover, the proper calculation of salaries of the employees, data invoicing, maintaining proper customer record and stock records is now a no sweat work. 


  • Use of Artificial Intelligence in Accounting and Finance:

    • Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a boon to mankind. It single-handedly takes care of various works that humans otherwise would take much longer to perform. Thus, the involvement of AI in certain domains of the accounting process could help free human capital from those and channel them to the other domains of the work.
    • The traditional preliminary bookkeeping tasks are done by AI in various accounting firms. Initiation of payments procedure and matching & scrutinizing purchasing orders are done by specialist Accounts payable and receivable AI.
    • The AI enters and systematically categorize the data. This helps the accountants with a readily available spreadsheet to carry out further analysis and further predict financial and economical trends.
    • The elementary tax and auditing remittance are left to the duty of the AI in various accounting firms, which simply demands just a round of check by the human capital.
    • Various elementary functions which previously forced the involvement of many labors now are carried out with AI. Thus, reducing and optimizing the budget of the various organizations. 


  • Best Mobile Accounting Software:

    • Mobile phones have become an essential commodity in the present time. Apart from the ease of communication via calls and messages, the power of smartphones to accommodate numerous applications is a massive boon to mankind.
    • Various kinds of applications like banking & finance, game and accounting have made life much easier. The gift of online accounting helps the work to be done from anywhere and everywhere.
    • The effective use of accounting mobile device helps save a lot of time for the accountants. Accessing company data now is an easy task. Various tasks like updating contact information, getting payments made and checking customer balance can be accomplished easily by putting efficient mobile applications to use.
    • Many apps facilitate automatic data updates and thus help the cash flow process. It further enhances the profitability of the firm by cutting down on customer management expenditure. 


  • Social Media and Accounting:

    • Social media offers a great platform to spread the awareness of a business entity. Not only that, it has further acted as a rescue to numerous business units. It serves as a great platform to build and maintain a stronger relationship with the clients.
    • The accounting firm often employ social media platforms to get more clients and follow its competitors. Sharing the latest work in social media helps accounting firms establish strong thought leadership.
    • Firms posting quality content and sharing informative posts can help readers benefit by being enlightened with the advancement of the accounting process. This is a big step in attracting prospective clients.
    • Social media is even a massive platform to search for bright and new talents. The social media page, if attractive, can invite many young vibrant talents. Thus, the firm could benefit from having an efficient workforce. 


It often gets very hectic for companies to carry out their accounting activities. In order to reduce the cost, most firms adopt the option of Outsourced Accounting Services. This furthers helps the entities to concentrate on their primary business domain and resolve their capacity issues. The top companies going for outsourcing are of the opinion that it helps them focus on developing strategies for the enhancement of their business. Outsourcing also reduces the chances of wrong accounting results. 

The impact of technology in the reshaping of the accounting industry cannot be ignored. Adopting the innovation of the present era can thus be extremely beneficial to firms. Technology and experience going hand in hand can help boost the overall business scenario.

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